I have a dream and a vision and I have been praying for the fulfillment of it. Jesus came in the world to save sinners .His birth, sufferings, crucifixion on the cross of Calvary, burial and resurrection for saving the humanity from their sins and sufferings. His sufferings and crucifixion showed his love towards humanity.

God gave me vision to propagate this message of Jesus loves to the millions who have not yet heard in India. Jesus Christ is God and savior of the world. Millions of people in India yet to hear this truth.

I have a dream, that is , thousands of dedicated men and women are working in different parts of India for evangelization ,church planting and development of the people, and millions of people are saved and added in to the church in every village, town and city in India. I dream for a great harvest of souls and a great revival throughout India.

I am praying for using me to win souls for Jesus Christ and building His Kingdom. I also wanted to train and equip and support dedicated men and women for the great task of God’s humanitarian development effort. When thousands of saints bringing sheaves(souls for Christ) to eternity in the presence of God. I also wanted to bring sheaves (souls) with me, when I meet my Jesus in that day of judgment throne.

I invite all my brethren to help me to fulfill great dream God has given in my heart. Please partner with me , we together can do this great God’s business.

Thank you & God bless you.


Baiju Yacob
Founder & President.

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